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BE Adventure Partners Sets Out on a Custom Skoolie Build

Brian and Erin, of BE Adventure Partners, left their life of international travel behind to take on a custom Skoolie build. They gutted their Skoolie and turned it into their dream home on wheels. Now they’re on an adventure from Canada to the U.S. looking for a place to set…

Where is Brittany? She’s Powered by Battle Born Batteries!

Here at Battle Born Batteries, we enjoy sharing the stories of the ways that people can get out there and stay out there. From skoolies to vans, no rig is too small to take advantage of tiny living. For Brittany Newson, being able to do what she wants, when she…

Storyteller Leah Judson Powers her Skoolie with LiFePO4 Technology!

As a photographer, storyteller, and nomad passionate about meeting people, Leah Judson needs reliable power. Her latest project, “Before We Could Drink,” highlights extraordinary young people under the age of 21. You can learn more about the project here. Meet Leah: Leah went to a service project in the Czech…

Start Now with Keep Your Daydream

Marc and Tricia Leach of Keep Your Daydream recently started their 10th season on YouTube. Sharing their experiences as they travel the country and try out different rigs, the family encourages people to “start small, start now” to achieving their nomadic dreams. We caught up with Marc and Tricia and talked about what lessons they have learned after 5 years of living on the…

Enigmatic Nomadic is Off-Grid with Battle Born Batteries

Here at Battle Born Batteries, the off-grid way of living is attainable with our lithium-powered products! Jamie Dimon, also known as the Enigmatic Nomadic, can travel on his own terms and power the cool rigs that he works on and lives in.  Meet Jamie: As the Enigmatic Nomadic, Jamie Dimon…