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5 Best Game-Changing RV Upgrades for All Campers

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Ready to take your camping game to the next level? It may be time for some improvements! But with so many options, how can you know which are worth your money? We’re looking at the five best RV upgrades that’ll change the game for you and your fellow travelers on your next trip. 

happy campers about to start a campfire

RV Upgrades Make Life Better

Like both homes and vehicles, even the most modern, high-end RV eventually becomes a bit dated. Technology changes and gets cheaper, systems break down and stop working, and styles vary over time. And naturally, you change too! These RV upgrades provide dramatic improvements in your quality of life or ability to travel, both of which are crucial considerations for frequent RVers. 

1. Upgrading Your Battery Bank to Lithium

Batteries may not be the sexiest RV upgrade you can imagine, but they can be one of the most important. Most rigs typically come with lead-acid batteries. These are the standard for many reasons (including their price), but they have some drawbacks, especially for heavy RV users or full-timers. Lithium-ion batteries use newer technology to solve many of those issues and improve performance. 

Benefits of Upgrading to Lithium RV Batteries

Lithium batteries have many significant advantages over traditional lead-acid ones, as long as the price isn’t your primary factor in deciding. They have a much longer lifespan, making their higher price less of an issue in the long term. In fact, they could last 10 times as long as traditional lead-acid batteries. 

lithium vs lead acid diagram

They’re also a much more efficient power source (since you can fully discharge one without damaging it) and more eco-friendly, too! Plus, lithium-ion RV batteries are perfect for campers who regularly travel to cold weather climates. They work significantly better than lead-acid batteries at low temperatures. 

2. Adding Solar Power

Renewable energy has come a long way in the last few years, and even the newest RVs don’t frequently come equipped with solar equipment. But with a few solar panels and additional pieces of equipment, you can upgrade your RV’s electrical system in a significant way. 

Benefits of Adding Solar Power

With a sufficient camper solar power system, you don’t always need a traditional power source to keep the lights on. While traditional electrical systems require you to head back to civilization to plug in your batteries or refuel your generator, solar power lets you recharge wherever you’re camping. As a result, you can enjoy more and better boondocking or dry camping. 

In addition to the extra flexibility, you’ll also save on expensive RV parks and campgrounds this way. On top of it all, you’ll help the environment!

➡ Find out Why Boondocking Off-Grid Is The Best Way To Camp

3. Adding a Cell Signal Booster

RV trips offer a chance to disconnect and relax. But it can be frustrating when you need to make a call or access the internet and find yourself with limited or no service. It’s doubly true for full-timers, who may be working while on the road and who need a reliable cell signal for calls and the internet. A cell booster is a game-changing RV upgrade that will effortlessly turn those frustrating moments searching for cell signals into easy connections on the go.

woman using cell phone to take a selfie while camping

Benefits of Adding a Cell Signal Booster

There are myriad benefits to additional connectivity on the road, from work to entertainment to safety. Thanks to improved signal strength and access in low-service areas, full-time RVers can stay online for work more often. All RVers can stream video or audio more easily while on the go, whether it’s music for a campground cookout or a movie after a busy day outdoors.

A signal booster also lets you stay in touch with civilization in more spots, providing added security so you can get help if something goes wrong while in a remote location.

4. RV Mattress Upgrade

The old saying goes that we spend a third of our lives sleeping. If that’s the case, then a new mattress is a vital RV upgrade in most cases. But, sadly, many RVers aren’t prepared for the relatively low quality of standard RV mattresses, especially compared to the high-end, extra-comfy mattresses they may have at home. 

Benefits of Upgrading Your RV Mattress

We can hardly overstate the benefits of a better night’s sleep. From a health perspective, better sleep means a healthier heart, better muscle repair, stronger immunity, and much more. We know what it feels like to spend a day after a poor night’s sleep on a personal level. An upgraded mattress will mean a better mood and more energy to make the most of your RV trip. And if you’re feeling better both physically and mentally, you may be more inclined to take your RV out for more trips, helping you make your purchase worthwhile and providing the benefits of travel and nature.  

5. Keyless Door Lock

If you’ve ever locked yourself out of your home or car, you know how irritating, time-consuming, and expensive it can be to find and schedule a locksmith. Now, imagine being locked out of both your home AND vehicle at the same time, potentially a long distance from home. With keyless door locks, that’s one less worry. 

Someone picking up keys on ground

Benefits of a Keyless RV Door Lock

The main benefit is obvious: In the unfortunate event that you lose your keys while on the road, you can get back inside your rig without needing a locksmith or roadside assistance. These services can be expensive, and avoiding one event like this could cover much of the keyless lock’s cost. On top of that, you’ll have additional flexibility since you won’t have to juggle one or two keys or worry about who’ll be coming back when. 

A Few Upgrades You Won’t Regret 

A few minor RV upgrades can dramatically improve your experience in your rig without major overhauls or significant expenses. From your power supply to your sleep, you have many options that’ll completely change the game regarding your future camping trips. And as you settle in for a comfortable vacation in your newly-upgraded RV, you’ll wonder why you waited so long to make some changes!

Want To Learn More About Electrical Systems and Lithium Batteries?

We know that building or upgrading an electrical system can be overwhelming, so we’re here to help. Our Reno, Nevada-based sales and customer service team is standing by at (855) 292-2831 to take your questions!

Also, join us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube to learn more about how lithium battery systems can power your lifestyle, see how others have built their systems, and gain the confidence to get out there and stay out there.

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2 thoughts on “5 Best Game-Changing RV Upgrades for All Campers

  1. I am interested in upgrading my current flooded batteries to lithium and also adding a portable solar panel to my existing Go Power 380 watt system. So I am looking for advice and an installer that would use your products, in the San Diego, CA area.

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