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The Li-MITLESS ENERGY Podcast | Rick Harrison. Powered Up.

Rick Harrison, star of the History Channel’s Pawn Stars, ventures into the world of trucking to explore the benefits of the Battle Born All-Electric Auxiliary Power Unit (APU). As a long-time user of Battle Born Lithium Batteries himself, Rick provides perspective on how the same powerful, cutting-edge technology he utilizes…

How Do Your Hotel Loads Perform When Its Cold Outside?

As Featured on FleetOwner: https://www.fleetowner.com/perspectives/ideaxchange/article/21279212/its-cold-outside-how-do-your-hotel-load-batteries-performย  “While lead-acid batteries may be the industry standard, new LiFePO4 technology can offer more to fleets in the winter months.” Wade Seaburg As winter tightens its icy grip, trucking fleet managers across the country face a familiar challenge: keeping their hotel load batteries operational in…

Uncovering the Hidden Costs of Truck Idling that Eat Away at Your Bottom Line

As Featured on FleetOwner: https://www.fleetowner.com/perspectives/ideaxchange/blog/55054485/uncovering-the-hidden-costs-of-truck-idling-that-eat-away-at-your-bottom-line “It may seem like a necessary evil to maintain cabin temperatures and power small appliances and electronics inside, but it comes with many hidden costs that can eat away at your bottom line.” Wade Seaburg It is a given in our world of transportation and…

Transforming Heavy Duty Trucking with Advanced All-Electric Auxiliary Power Solutions

Heavy-duty trucking is the lifeblood of the global economy, as countless essential goods are transported every day. For long-haul truckers, multiple days on the road require spending nights in the sleeper cabs of their rigs. With limited power options, many truckers rely on idling their engines and antiquated lead-acid batteries…

Truck Owners Guide to Getting the Most Battery Power For Your Sleeper Cabin

Discover how to extend the battery power in your truckโ€™s sleeper cabin, improve your energy efficiency, and boost system reliability.